PTE Listening -- SUMMARIZE SPOKEN TEXT -- Scoring Technique

Good at shorthand, aren’t you? You would be required to listen to an audio clip, anywhere between 60 to 90 seconds, and then convey the same message by writing a few sentences between 50 to 70 words (overall) in 10 minutes.

Shorthand, by the way, is a technique of accelerated handwriting used for taking notes of the facts, sometimes the main idea of the speech, to later refer back and present your own form of the story in a concise manner. There will be 2 such questions and a lot of practice is required to get the maximum scores from this section.

  • A fairly big notepad and a pen are the two weapons provided to all test takers. You now know that the war is about to begin :)
  • Even though you have 10 minutes to respond to 1 question, you should start taking notes as soon as the speaker begins. Don’t wait to understand the context initially.
  • Cannot skip taking notes as it would be quite difficult to remember all the points described in the audio lecture.
  • It’s very important to include as many keywords like names/places and important events or activities which was present in the audio.
  • ‘Summarize Spoken Text’ is not to be confused with ‘Summarize Written Text’ where you have to respond in one single line.
  • You can split your response to a few sentences while framing your response for ‘Summarize Spoken Text’ type questions.
  • Frame your response in 7 minutes and spend the last 3 minutes for revision.
  • Avoid grammatical mistakes and ensure that your response goes with the main idea of the lecture.

We conduct one-to-one classes for the PTE aspirants, online via Skype or in-person in Melbourne, at an affordable tuition fee (just 49 AUDs per hour). More details here @

Opt for any of our courses and learn from people who have themselves scored 79+ in all the four sections of the PTE. You would be provided individual attention from our PTE experts at a pace and timing suitable to you.

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Melbourne, VIC.


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