Improve your SPEAKING skills online
Improve your SPEAKING skills Open the following link using Google Chrome browser :- (free software) You will see a notepad opening up with few buttons on the bottom-left side of the screen. Click on the 'START DICTATION' button and start reading the sentences loudly at a normal pace. It will convert your speech to text and display it right in front of your screen. If the spelling of the speech-converted-text comes out exactly the way it should be, it means you are pronouncing it properly. You then need to learn the punctuation rules so that you can take appropriate pauses while reading or speaking whenever you face a comma, full-stop etc. Prepare a list of words which you feel are not coming out properly, and repeat the above process till the time the software gets those spellings right. You can yourself check your pronunciation and the fluency level, and improvise on your speaking skills with some self-assessment. We conduct ...